Welcome to Dance Unlimited!

Founded in 1994 by artistic director Janelle Sanders, Dance Unlimited provides southern Missouri with quality instruction in the fields of tap, jazz, ballroom, ballet, and creative movement.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Costume Alterations

Well, this week everyone tried out their costumes. The Tuesday 6:30 class (Gold Rush) was having problems with the way their costumes fit. That's why on March 31 the dancers should bring their costumes to get alterations. Also, Gold Rush dancers should plan on staying until 7:45 for technical reasons.
The picture on the right is of the costumes so you can make sure you have it!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Program Ads Starting Early This Year

On Saturday, June 6, 2009, Dance Unlimited will hold their annual dance recital at the Mountain Grove High School. This performance enables students to introduce the art of dance to an audience and build rhythm, coordination, and self-esteem. That's why we ask for your help in supporting the dance studio by pledging an ad in the program booklet. These programs will be handed out to an audience of about 1000 people in Douglas, Texas, Wright, and Howell counties. Your ad will reach a wide variety of people!
The program will be 5 1/2 X 8 1/2. A half page is 5 1/2 X 41/4 and costs $15.00. A quarter page is 5 1/2 by 2 and costs $10.00. All ads are for business advertisement or to send your favorite dancer a special message.
Pick up an advertisement form from Janelle to buy an ad. Also, please have all ads camera-ready on a disc or printed neatly. All pictures must be originals and will be returned to you by the recital. The deadline for ad placement is Thursday, April 9. No ads will be accepted after this time!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Master Class Update!

Dance Unlimited will be holding another Ballroom Dance Master Class on March 27th from 5:00-6:30.  We will study styles such as waltz, foxtrot, salsa, swing, and country line dancing.  This class is for ages 8 through young adult.  The cost for this class is $10 per person, and participants must sign up and pay in advance.

This class is a great way to learn some new moves for the prom or your end-of-the-year school dance.  It's also a lot of fun.