Welcome to Dance Unlimited!

Founded in 1994 by artistic director Janelle Sanders, Dance Unlimited provides southern Missouri with quality instruction in the fields of tap, jazz, ballroom, ballet, and creative movement.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Special Events Update!!!

On October 30th, two specialty classes will be held. From 4:00-5:00, a jumprope class will take place for 7-11 years old and will be taught by Bryce and Sarah Parker. This class will give students new tricks and fancy steps to use while jumping rope. They will also learn to team jump with a single rope. The ropes will be provided that evening. From 5:30-7:00, we will be holding a costume party for 3-7 years old. Wear your favorite costume and enjoy games, races, snacks, prizes and treat bags. If you are interested in either of these sessions, please sign up and pay in advance so we have an idea how many to expect. The cost is $10.00 per student. 

A New Idea

An idea has been brought to my attention that we may need to hold a once a month partnering class for teens. They would be learning such styles as swing dance, two step, waltz, and line dances to some of our more modern music. The cost would be $8.00 per student and held on Thursday evenings from 7:30-8:30. If this interests you, please let us know and we will set it up. 

AutumnFest News

On October 10th, some of our groups will be performing at the Autumnfest on the square. The show will be at the gazebo from 12:30-1:00. Come and see us perform some new dances, as well as the remake of "Thriller". Dance Unlimited will also be fundraising with a bounce house from Mm. Grove rentals. The proceeds for the bounce house will also go towards the St. Louis trip.

October Update

Things are going well at the dance studio this fall, but I have been really busy getting everyone in the class that is right for them. We have planned for a very busy October as well. Dance Unlimited t-shirts are now on sale at the studio for the cost of $12.00 for children sizes and $14.00 for adult sizes. Sample sizes are hanging up at the studio. (child 2-4, 6-8, 10-12, 14-16--adult S, M, L, XL) The proceeds of the t-shirt sale will go towards some of our dancers who will be traveling to St. Louis in December for a dance convention. Please place your order and pay with a separate check before October 14th, and the shirts should arrive in about two weeks. This would make a great Birthday or Christmas present and to help our dancers as well. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

New Class!!! And the First One's FREE!

Have you ever wanted to trip the light fantastic? Ever dreamed of being Fred Astaire? Dance Unlimited is offering a Social Dance class beginning September 2. The class will run from 7:45-8:45 PM. If you're interested, but a little shy, then let us sweeten the deal--your first session is free! Don't miss out on this great opportunity for fun and exercise. Join us on September 2.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

We're Back!!!

That's right!
Registration for 2009-10 will be August 3-6, from 4:00-7:00 pm.

Hope you had a great summer. See you the first week of August.

Update: The fees due at registration are a $15 registration fee plus the first 1/2 month's tuition. Now would also be the best time to order new shoes if you've outgrown or worn out your last pair.


Monday, May 18, 2009

Dates to Remember

  • Classes on Memorial Day (May 25th) WILL be in session.
  • Contact the dance studio to pick up a form to pre-order a concert DVD or VHS. The videos are professionally produced by Somewhereinthewoods Productions. They record both performances and compile them into one to ensure that we receive a quality video. There are DVD samples in the dance studio to see the good job they have done in the past. Videos are $25.00 if you pre-order and $30.00 if ordered after June 5. The videos are great keepsakes for students. Parents tell us that the videos are well worth the money.
  • You should receive picture orders by the last week of dance classes.
  • Dress rehearsal is scheduled for Friday, June 5th from 5:00-8:00 P.M. All students are asked to attend. The Finale, including all students, will be rehearsed from 6:00-7:00 P.M. The dress rehearsal is for students and volunteers ONLY. NO AUDIENCE PLEASE! Please drop off and pick up your children at the appropriate times (see below).
  • A volunteer list is at the dance studio. If you want to volunteer, contact the dance studio and ask what positions are available. All volunteers recieve two free tickets for one performance and work the other backstage. Please decide which performance you will attend. Volunteers must arrive 30 minutes prior to the performance. Lineup coordinators, the announcer, and curtain and backstage crew need to attend the dress rehearsal.
Dress Rehearsal Times
5:00-7:00 (1st half of show)
The Nutcracker
Oh Yeah
Honky Tonky Twist
Two Tribes
Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo

6:00-8:00 (2nd half of show)
The Dawning
Jazz It Up
That's What I Like
Yankee Doodle
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Images in Motion

Dance Recital Ticket Sales

The recital is approaching quickly! There's only a few weeks left. Two performances are scheduled for Saturday, June 6th. One is at 3:00 P.M. and the other at 7:00. Students must perform both shows, though the audience may choose which show to attend.
We have had situations in the past that have made it hard to accommodate everyone attending the recital. That is why we will be reserving tickets with a seating chart.
Tickets are $6 each and will first go on sale on May 30th at the Mountain Grove High School cafeteria between 9:00-1:00 to accommodate for lines and parking issues. Your family will guaranteed six tickets for the concert and choose where they will be seated. If a family has more than one student involved in dance or the student has more than one set of parents, nine tickets may be purchased. When you arrive at the high school, you should know which show you want tickets to and how many tickets you want to keep the lines short. Tickets are reserved on a first-come, first-serve basis. If you will not be available on May 30th, you may let us know how many tickets you need and the show time and pay for them in advance. We will choose the best seats available after sales day. You will only be able to choose two seats in the front of the cafeteria (140 seats) so that everyone gets a chance to sit up front.
After May 30th, you may purchase more tickets at the dance studio, choosing available seats. Also, all tuition payments must be made before you purchase recital tickets.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April News

Things are going very well at the dance studio! Students were very excited to receive their costumes. They should have gone home in the last week or two. Please make sure your child has any extra costume pieces or alterations made before picture days.
Remember, if you want to place an advertisement in this year's program, you must return your ad and payment before April 9.
The dance studio has already closed for Thanksgiving and Christmas break. We didn't need to close for bad weather that much, but all the days we did miss are subtracted at the end of the season and your tuition bill for May will be adjusted and given to you in a few weeks so that you are offered the amount of classes you paid for.
Everyone's ready for the weather to become warmer and stay that way. But this is the season where students start to get relaxed with their dance attire. Please help me in reminding them that dancewear should still be worn to class and not whatever shorts and T-shirt they wore that day, This is very important to us because it makes us feel different about out bodies and more prepared for class. Wearing proper attire makes us FEEL like dancers and we can concentrate better. I always tell the students that you don't go to school without books and you can't play an instrument if you don't have one, and you can't dance without the proper clothes and shoes. This usually works.
There's only about ten weeks until our recital! Keep up the great work!

Picture Pricing

On picture day, we will take individual shots and a group shot to place in this year's program and on display in the studio. You may buy a group or individual picture but they must be paid for at the time of the photo shoot. Here's the photo prices:

  1. 1 Memory Mate (Individual photo and group photo on an 8X10 sheet)- $10.00
  2. 1 8"X10" Individual- $12.00
  3. 1 8"X10" Group- $12.00
  4. 2 5"X7" Individual- $12.00
  5. 2 5"X7" Group- $12.00
  6. 1 11"X14" Individual- $24.00
  7. 1 11"X14" Group- $24.00
  8. 8 Wallets Individual- $10.00
  9. 8 Wallets Group- $10.00
  10. 16 Wallets Individual- $16.00
  11. 16 Wallets Group- $16.00
All re-orders will have a $12.00 processing and shipping fee added, and there will be a $25.00 fee for returned checks due to non-sufficient funds.

Picture Schedules

It's official: pictures are scheduled to take place at the dance studio on April 24th and 25th. Here's the picture schedule:

4:00-4:45- Bippity Boppity Boo
4:45- 5:15- Somewhere Over The Rainbow
5:15- 5:30- Break
5:30- 6:15- Yankee Doodle
6:15- 6:30- The Dawning (Wednesday)
6:30- 6:45- Jazz It Up
6:45- 7:15- Honky Tonk Twist

10:00- 10:30- Amelie
10:30- 11:00- Oh Yeah
11:00- 11:45- That's What I Like
11:45- 12:15- Break
12:15-12:45- Goldrush
12:45- 1:15- Nutcracker
1:15- 1:45- Two Tribes
1:45- 2:15- The Dawning (Tuesday)

Please arrive on time for your picture, in full costume and/or makeup and ready for a picture. The studio has an excellent reputation for running on time. Someone is required to stay with students under the age of seven. We can not be responsible for them or other siblings when so much will be happening.
See the next post for more information about picture pricing.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Costume Alterations

Well, this week everyone tried out their costumes. The Tuesday 6:30 class (Gold Rush) was having problems with the way their costumes fit. That's why on March 31 the dancers should bring their costumes to get alterations. Also, Gold Rush dancers should plan on staying until 7:45 for technical reasons.
The picture on the right is of the costumes so you can make sure you have it!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Program Ads Starting Early This Year

On Saturday, June 6, 2009, Dance Unlimited will hold their annual dance recital at the Mountain Grove High School. This performance enables students to introduce the art of dance to an audience and build rhythm, coordination, and self-esteem. That's why we ask for your help in supporting the dance studio by pledging an ad in the program booklet. These programs will be handed out to an audience of about 1000 people in Douglas, Texas, Wright, and Howell counties. Your ad will reach a wide variety of people!
The program will be 5 1/2 X 8 1/2. A half page is 5 1/2 X 41/4 and costs $15.00. A quarter page is 5 1/2 by 2 and costs $10.00. All ads are for business advertisement or to send your favorite dancer a special message.
Pick up an advertisement form from Janelle to buy an ad. Also, please have all ads camera-ready on a disc or printed neatly. All pictures must be originals and will be returned to you by the recital. The deadline for ad placement is Thursday, April 9. No ads will be accepted after this time!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Master Class Update!

Dance Unlimited will be holding another Ballroom Dance Master Class on March 27th from 5:00-6:30.  We will study styles such as waltz, foxtrot, salsa, swing, and country line dancing.  This class is for ages 8 through young adult.  The cost for this class is $10 per person, and participants must sign up and pay in advance.

This class is a great way to learn some new moves for the prom or your end-of-the-year school dance.  It's also a lot of fun.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Master Classes in February

The master class on ballroom dancing held on February 6th was a success. Students ranging from eight to adults came to the studio to learn the cha cha, the foxtrot, swing, and country line dances. Everyone who took the class enjoyed it.

On February 21st, Pam Burnside of the West Plains Center for the Arts will be holding three master classes at Dance Unlimited. The schedule for the classes is as follows:
  • 12:00-1:00: Hoofin Tap- Levels Intermediate through Advanced
  • 1:00-2:00: Irish Tap Dance- Levels Intermediate through Advanced
  • 2:00-3:30: Musical Comedy- Acting and musical dance combinations for ages 7 through teens
The fee for each master class is $10.00 per class per person or discount rates for more than one class taken on that day. If you are interested in one of these classes, you must sign up and pay in advance so that I know how many to expect.


In March and April the Mountain Grove school system will be closed for their four day weekends. Please make a note that we will still be dancing on those Mondays, even though school will be closed. Please be aware that if the school closes for severe weather, the dance studio will also be closed. The studio is drafty this time of year, so students need to dress appropriately for the weather with long sleeves and pants or tights. Usually the students warm up quickly after class starts, but the cold is let in every time the door opens.

The first class of each month is considered class visitation day. This is a time for you to see what your child has been working on in class. Please remember to keep talking to a minimum and other siblings under control while visiting our classes. It is very difficult for young students to concentrate as is, but with the added distraction of an audience it is even harder to keep their attention. This helps us all to work better.

"When will I get my costume?"

You will get your costume in the month of April. I have bits and pieces of costumes already, but I will not hand them out until everyone's order is complete. When you get your costume, the bag will contain everything I ordered. It means we wait a little longer, but we get everything at once.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Production Number News!

Our concert is in sight, and I would like to invite the students to sign up for the end of the year production number. We will be performing a dance called Images In Motion which will combine modern dance and movement inside stretch bags and heating coils, a truly NEW experience for the students. The mechanics will be explained in more detail during class time.

Here are the requirements:

1. Students should be at least 10 years old.
2. Only involved in two or less dance numbers in the concert already.
3. Ready to act out the character of the dance.
4. You must be available for rehearsals on either Wednesdays 3:00-5:00 or Thursdays 7:30-8:45 and occasional Friday evenings as we get closer to the recital. All rehearsals will begin Feb. 11th. Attendance is very important since the students will just have a few weeks to learn choreography within a bag or coil and will have to listen to verbal instruction since their vision is minimal.
5. The space is limited to 11 stretch bag positions and 4 coil positions. (You must fit inside one of these items)

There is no extra cost for these rehearsals and the students will be put on a schedule a few weeks in advance. Please sign up for the production number in advance at the desk asap.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Ballroom Dance Class Postponed!!!

Old Man Winter got us again. Due to the ice and snow, we are postponing our ballroom dance master class for one week. The class will be on Friday, Feb. 6. You still need to register and pre-pay.

Thanks for understanding.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Master Class

Don't forget our ballroom master class this Friday, January 30. It runs from 6:00-7:30PM and costs $10 per person. You need to register and pay in advance, so don't forget.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

See you on January 5!!!