Wow, is it ever busy around the studio these days--so busy that the April update got away from me!!! It's almost recital time; the students are excited and so am I. Each child should make every effort to be in class every week and attend all rehearsals. We only have a few weeks left!
Let's move on to a topic that's important to everyone. Yes, I mean
ticket sales. We have two performances scheduled for Saturday, June 7. One is at 3:00 PM and the other is at 7:00 PM. Students are expected to perform for
both shows, but the audience must choose
In the past we have had problems accommodating everyone who wants to attend the show. There are many reasons for this--both shows selling out, people saving seats, vacant seats left between families, etc. That's why we're reserving tickets with a seating chart. We just want to lessen the stress for everyone.
Tickets are $6 each. They will go on sale on Friday, May 23, at the Mtn. Grove High School Cafeteria from 3:00PM-7:00PM. We do this to alleviate lines and parking issues. On that day, your family will be guaranteed the chance to purchase six tickets for the concert
and choose where you will be seated. If your family has more than one student involved in dance or that student has more than one set of parents, you are guaranteed that nine tickets will be available for you to purchase on May 23.
When you arrive at the high school, please know how many tickets to need for the 3:00 show and/or the 7:00 show. Nothing will shorten wait time or help us serve you quickly more than this.
Tickets will be reserved on a first-come, first-serve basis. If you want the best possible choice in seating, please purchase your tickets on that day. If you know that you will not be available May 23, you may let me know how many tickets you need and for what times, and pay for them in advance. We will choose the best seats that are available after sale day and give them to you at your child's next dance class. You will only be able to choose two seats in the front section of the cafeteria (140 seats). This will allow everyone a chance to have seats up front.
After that crazy day, you may purchase more tickets at the dance studio, choosing from whatever are still available. You can look at the seating chart below. A chart will also be posted on the bulletin board at the studio.
You should have already received a notice concerning your last tuition payment.
All payments must be made before you purchase recital tickets on May 23.Now, on to the rest of this whirlwind.
- Classes will be held on Monday, May 26 (Memorial Day). That's concert week and we don't want to miss a class.
- Dress rehearsal will be Friday, June 6 from 5:00PM-8:00PM. All students are expected to attend the rehearsal. The finale will be rehearsed between 6:00-7:00PM. The rehearsal schedule is as follows:
5:00-7:00PM (first half of show)
Dance of Love
All for One
The Way You Are
The Nutcracker
Give My Regards to Broadway
Rhythm Nation
6:00-8:00PM (second half of show)
Canned Heat
Everything Old is New Again
Spirit of the Dance
If They Could See Me Now
The dress rehearsal is for students and backstage volunteers
only. This is to insure that the performance will run smoothly. Please drop off and pick up your child at the assigned area on time. There will be no audience, please! I can assure you that we are well prepared to look after your child. This is also the time for other students to watch the concert and see what their fellow dancers have been working on.
A volunteer list will be at the dance studio. If you wish to volunteer your time for dress rehearsal and/or the performance, please ask me what is available. All volunteers will receive two free tickets for one of the performances and will work the other backstage. Volunteers are expected to arrive 30 minutes prior to the performance. Lineup coordinators, announcer, curtain, and backstage crew definitely need to attend the dress rehearsal to learn their job list for the concert.
Please write your child's name in all articles of clothing and shoes, especially if they will be changing backstage. Things can be misplaced at such a busy time. If your child is in more than one dance, they should arrive wearing the costume of their first dance. There is a program list posted on the bulletin board at the dance studio.
Thanks for all your help and attention,
Ms. Janelle